of overheads
of overheads- Classification is the process of
grouping of costs depending upon their common characteristics
There are various methods of classifying or grouping
of overheads, which greatly depend upon the various objectives of
classification of overheads
Classification according to Nature
Indirect Material- The cost of material which cannot be
allocated to a particular unit and does not form a part of finished product is
termed as indirect material. For example, consumable stores, fuel, small tools,
lubricating oil, cotton waste, etc.
Indirect Labour - Labour charges which cannot be
allocated to a particular unit of cost is called indirect labour or wages. For
example, salary of supervisors, wages of maintenance workers, overtime, ideal
time, PF Cont.
3) Indirect
Expenses- most items of expenditure are classified as indirect, since they
are incurred for the business as a whole, rather than in regard to a particular
product. For example, rent rates, insurance taxes canteen, and welfare
expenses, lighting and heating, hospitals training and development dep. of
plant and machinery
according to the function
Factory overhead – factory overhead includes all overhead
cost incurred from the stage of procurement of material till the completion of
the finished product but excludes the expenses on administration, selling and
Rent, rates and dep. of factory building
Insurance of factory
Salary of foremen,
time-keeper, works manager
Fuel, power, coal
Facto y lighting heating,
Welfare expenses,
canteen exp, telephone charges of factory
2) Administrative overheads
This overhead includes
the expenses of managerial functions of direction, planning and controlling the
operation of business, other than selling and distribution, research and
For example- office
rent, office salary
Printing and
stationary, lighting, telephone charges of office
Audit fees
Director’s fees
Legal expenses
Bank charges
3) Selling and distribution
Selling expenses
includes the expenses in promoting sales and retaining customers
Advertisement, market
Salaries and commission
of salesman and selling agents
Travelling expenses of
sales people
Salary, telephone,
printing and stationary of sales department
Cost of free samples
Distribution overhead
The expenses related to
delivery of sold goods to customers fall under this group –
Cost of secondary
Carriage outward and
transport charges
Warehouse rent,
depreciation of warehouse and repairs
Salary of warehouse
Repairing of empties
Expenses of warehouse van, trucks etc.
Classification according to Behaviour
1. fixed overhead –fixed overhead remain fixed in their nature and do not vary with changes in the volume of output. There are certain expenses which must be paid, whether the factory is working or not, are known as fixed overheads. For example, salaries of staff, rent, postage, postage printing and stationary, insurance, depreciation of building, plant, taxes
Variable overhead – variable overhead is a cost which in
the aggregate, tends to vary in direct proportion to changes in the volume of
output. Total variable cost will tend to vary direct with volume, while unit
variable cost is likely to remain constant at all level. For example indirect
material, indirect labour, power and fuel, spoilage, stores handling, overtime
3. semi- variable overhead - this type of overhead, varies with a
change in the volume of output, but not in such proportion as the output
changes. This type stands between fixed and variable overhead. For example,
repairs and maintenance, depreciation of plant and machinery, telephone charges
salary to supervisor
Classification of According to Normality
Normal overhead- normal overheads are those expenses
which are expected to occur in normal condition of business
Abnormal overhead- abnormal
overheads are those expenses which are not expected to occur in normal
condition of business
according to control
Controllable cost – controllable costs are those which can
be controlled by an efficient management. For example, idle time, wastage etc.
can be controlled.
Uncontrollable cost- uncontrollable costs are those which cannot
be controlled. All types of fixed costs are the best examples of uncontrollable
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